Tuesday 14 July 2009

Morphine not so hot

Well its not going to make a dent in the bad pain. Which is pants. On Sunday I had a bad day - not a really bad day, more a 7. I took several doses of 10mls of oramorph and then had a couple of fentanyl lollipops. The anti-emetics worked. The pain wasn't decreased much at all. No really bad side effects, just sleepy and stoned a bit.

Antonia (one of my oldest and bestest friends) came over with her dad and her son Morgan - so that was lovely - I don't see her as much as I would like as she lives in North Wales. She's special people to me. Anyhow I was able to cope through her visit, and showed her Doughnuts tricks and Cirrus' practical CT applications. Then I slept through most of the rest of the day.

So this shows me that on a really bad do, the fent/oramorph combo is NOT going to work. This still leaves me with the transport issue.

Otherwise things are ok. Alfie is growing apace, and is so smart. He's totally lovely. Murphy is a little more accepting of him, and Ellie really likes him now, unless he steals her bone. He is happy to share it with her, but she's not that happy with it!

Horses are fab, and I'm doing a great new cross stitch. Buying them from someone on ebay who must think I'm a total freak for buying so many!! Thank the gods that they are cheap.

Niki x

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